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What are the benefits of a combination?
Our handsets are the result of our belief in the combinatorial approach. Food supplements have the role of strengthening the body overall and thus boosting the health of your skin from the inside. The aim of active clean cosmetics is to complete this process in a natural and completely harmless way by protecting, nourishing, stimulating and soothing your outer dermis from attacks. A dual action that provides convincing and lasting results.

What is their composition?
The Detox combo is composed of the Detox food supplement and the Purifying Cleanser.

The Protection combination is composed of the Immunity food supplement and the urban shield cream.

The Vitalité combination is composed of the Vitalité food supplement and the energizing serum.

The Sérénité combination is composed of the Sérénité food supplement and the soothing oil.

The Radiance combo is composed of the Radiance food supplement and the complexion radiance cream.


What are the benefits of this product?
Our Immunity Complex combines the absolutely fundamental nutrients we are often deficient in to help you maintain your immunity at its optimal level.

What is the composition of this product?
Our Immunity complex is composed of chameleon plant, vitamin D3, zinc, L-glutamine, L-arginine and vitamin K2.

Where do the ingredients in this product come from?
The chameleon plant, also called Chinese pepper plant, comes from China. Vitamin K2 comes from Italy. The zinc comes from the United States. L-Arginine comes from South Korea. Vitamin D3 as well as L-Glutamine come from China.

What are the virtues of the ingredients in this product?
The chameleon plant is an Asian herbaceous plant that does not exist in Europe. It is considered a “natural antibiotic” due to its high polyphenol content. Its main action is in the respiratory sphere and everything related to winter infections. Vitamin D3 plays a key role in maintaining the immune system. Zinc acts as a complement, particularly in the immune system by increasing the number of T lymphocytes. Glutamine is an amino acid which plays a fundamental role in supporting the immune system. It is a critical source of fuel for immune cells, including white blood cells and some intestinal cells. L-Arginine is an amino acid whose action on immunity is linked to its role in intestinal immunity. Vitamin K2 plays a role in the inflammatory system and the cardiovascular system.

How much should I take per day?
To have the maximum effect, you should take 3 capsules per day.


What are the benefits of this product?
Our Vitality complex has been designed to help you regain or maintain your energy, stimulate your cognitive functions (concentration, memory), maintain the elasticity and firmness of your skin and strengthen your nails and hair.

What is the composition of this product?
Our Vitality complex contains Siberian Rhodiola, titrated Rosehip as well as vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B9 and B12.

Where do the ingredients in this product come from?
Rhodiola comes from Siberia, Rosehip comes from Morocco and vitamin B is synthetic.

What are the virtues of
ingredients of this product?

Rhodiola helps reduce stress, reduce fatigue and improve your physical, muscular and intellectual performance. Rose hip, due to its high content of vitamin A, C and E, is the essential ally for your daily vitality. It also strengthens the skin, nails and hair. B vitamins, for their part, contribute to cell renewal in the skin, nails and hair.

How much should I take per day?
To get 100% of your RDA, you must take 2 capsules per day.


What are the benefits of this product?
Our Serenity complex allows you to significantly reduce your stress and anxiety and regain truly restorative sleep as well as good emotional balance.

What is the composition of this product?
Our Serenity complex contains KSM-66 titrated ashwaghanda, patented Safr'Inside saffron, marine magnesium, taurine and vitamin B6.

Where do the ingredients in this product come from?
Ashwagandha comes from India, saffron from Iran, marine magnesium from the Dead Sea, taurine from China and vitamin B6 is synthetic.

What are the virtues of
ingredients of this product?

Thanks to its relaxing and balancing action, Ashwagandha significantly improves the quality of sleep and also acts against insomnia disorders. Saffron acts directly on the central nervous system. It notably influences mood hormones and mainly serotonin. It is also recognized as having sedative properties, essential for treating sleep disorders often linked to a depressive state. Magnesium takes part in hundreds of biochemical processes between cells, neurons, neurotransmitters, blood, oxygen, muscles, tendons and nerves. It is therefore a fundamental mineral and essential for the proper functioning of the body. Taurine plays a key role in stress sensitivity, helps in
case of inner agitation and strengthens the nervous system. Essential for the synthesis of certain neurotransmitters such as adrenaline, dopamine and serotonin, a mood mediator, vitamin B6 is interdependent with magnesium and facilitates the assimilation of taurine.

How much should I take per day?
To get 100% of your RDA, you must take 2 capsules per day.


What are the benefits of this product?
Our Radiance complex intervenes directly at the source of the main causes contributing to dulling your complexion thanks to a triple essential action:

1. Action on your liver to eliminate toxins, often responsible for a dull complexion, spots and redness.

2. A preventive action against oxidative stress which promotes the appearance of wrinkles and weakens the epidermis as a whole.

3. Action on omega-3 deficiencies to restore suppleness to your skin.

What is the composition of this product?
Our Radiance Complex contains Schizochytrium microalgae, grape seed extract, milk thistle extract, pale rose and vitamin E.

Where do the ingredients in this product come from?
The microalgae comes from Europe as does Milk Thistle. The pale rose comes from Iran. Vitamin E from Spain and grape seed extract from China.

What are the virtues of the ingredients in this product?
The Schizochytrium microalgae is an important source of omega-3. Omega-3 helps keep the skin in perfect health while strengthening it and protecting it against certain epidermal diseases. Grape seed extract is a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin against oxidative stress and premature aging. Milk Thistle also protects the skin from oxidative stress by capturing free radicals. Pale rose is known for its revitalizing and healing properties, ideal for acne, rosacea and various dermatoses. Vitamin E helps stimulate the production of collagen which determines skin elasticity.

How much should I take per day?
To get 10% of your RDA, you must take 2 capsules per day.


Should I adapt my diet or exercise for it to work?
Food supplements are not a magic potion. In order for them to be as effective as possible, they must follow a healthy lifestyle, with a balanced diet and regular exercise.

Should we use the products continuously?
There is no contraindication to taking our food supplements continuously, on the contrary, our modern diet requires a daily intake of nutrients and minerals that we do not necessarily have on our plate.

If I forget, will the effects wear off immediately?
If you forget to take your food supplements for one or more days, do not under any circumstances try to make up for the missed days. We advise you to continue to take your food supplements normally once you have missed them. The effects won't wear off until your body has cleared everything, which may take a few days.

At what time of day should I take food supplements?
You can take your food supplements at the time that suits you most. We recommend that you consume them every day at the same time, during a meal (preferably breakfast). Because, on the one hand, this will allow you to develop a routine that will make it easier for you to follow throughout the program. On the other hand, taking food supplements during a meal improves the digestive tolerance of the product.

How long does the treatment take to be effective?
As their name suggests, food supplements “complement” a balanced lifestyle. It is not a “magic wand” that will free you from the good reflexes of healthy living. The more you adopt the right actions, the more you will see results. Allow at least 2 months before you feel a real difference.
You are not sure. e to be on the right cure? Do you want advice? Do not hesitate to write to our service:

Do you offer samples for testing?
Since dietary supplements must be taken over time before they feel their benefits, we do not offer samples. However, for any purchase, we offer you a free sample of our cosmetic range.

Are there artificial colors or flavors in the products?
There are no artificial colors or flavors in our complexes.

Are your capsules plant-based?
All our capsules are plant-based. They are made from hypromellose.

How should I store this product once opened?
We advise you to store your food supplements in a cool, dry place; they do not need to be kept in the refrigerator.

Is there gluten, soy or lactose in your complexes?
The complexes are all vegan with the exception of Radiance which contains lactose.

Which complex promotes nail and hair growth?
We recommend the Vitality complex to stimulate nail and hair growth. Due to its high Vitamin B content (100% RDA), the Vitality complex contributes to the health of your hair. Indeed, among all the vitamins that are good for your hair, those from group B come at the top of the ranking. For example, vitamin B3 to boost hair growth, vitamin B6 to strengthen hair fiber, vitamin B5 for denser hair, vitamin B8, also called Biotin, is essential for the renewal of hair cells and hair. nails. This vitamin is not only recommended for hair care, but also for skin care and to strengthen brittle nails.

How do I insert your products into my daily routine?
We suggest taking your capsules in the morning with a large glass of water.

How long does the dietary supplement treatment last?
As their name suggests, food supplements “complement” a balanced lifestyle. It is not a “magic wand” that will free you from the good reflexes of healthy living. The more you adopt the right actions, the more you will see results. Allow at least 2 months before you feel a real difference.
You are not sure. e to be on the right cure? Do you want advice? Do not hesitate to write to our service: .

Can I take several food supplements at the same time?
All our food supplements have been designed to be taken together. As for other food supplements that you are already taking, we suggest that you consult your doctor/nutritionist to ensure that there are no contraindications.

What is the point of taking food supplements?
"Even with a balanced diet, micronutrient intakes can no longer be guaranteed solely by the foods we consume, because they are altered by their methods of production, harvest, transport and conservation. It has become essential to have resort to food supplements to remedy deficiencies which have numerous harmful effects on the well-being and health of the skin." Explains Dr. Nara Nairi, a doctor of micronutrition with over 30 years of experience advising patients around the world.

How do you know which food supplements to take?
To find out which food supplements to take, you can seek advice from a doctor or nutritionist.
You can also determine your needs through your symptoms: extreme fatigue, abnormal hair loss, brittle nails, stress or lack of sleep, etc.
The choice of food supplements may also depend on your age and situation.

If you have trouble falling asleep, sleep too lightly, or have unmanageable stress or anxiety, we recommend the serenity complex.
If you notice abnormal hair loss, brittle nails, or general fatigue, we recommend the vitality complex.
If you want to protect your body during changes in seasons and temperatures to avoid getting sick, we recommend the immunity complex.
If you notice that your complexion is tired and dull, we recommend the radiance complex.
If you have imperfections linked to your pace of life or periods of excess, and you feel heavy and bloated, we recommend the detox complex.

Do dietary supplements really work?
Food supplements help you fill vitamin and mineral deficiencies that are difficult to maintain only with a balanced diet. If you do a treatment of 30 to 90 days, diligently, you will see lasting results.

Are there any risks when taking food supplements?
Days of Confidence food supplements are formulated with natural ingredients, and essential vitamins and minerals and/or already naturally present in your body.
Nature is well made, and if there is an excess of a vitamin or mineral, your body will take care of eliminating it on its own.

When is the best time to take dietary supplements?
The best time to take food supplements depends on how you feel physically.
You can take it if you feel a certain deficiency to fill it, or to prevent illness during changes in seasons or temperatures.

Should you take food supplements every day of the year?
No, you should not take dietary supplements every day of the year. The ideal is to take treatments when you feel the need.
For example :
Going back to school in September is a stressful time, which you can make easier thanks to the serenity complex.
We tend to lose a lot of hair in autumn, the vitality complex can help you.
In winter, the immune system weakens, which is why we created the immunity complex.
Summer, end-of-year celebrations, and all gatherings between family and friends are generally synonymous with excess. This is why a detox treatment to cleanse your skin and your body from the inside will not do you any harm. It is also a solution for those who have a lot of imperfections on their face that they find difficult to get rid of. Sometimes the solution to having beautiful skin comes from within.
If you notice a dull complexion at certain times of the year, for several reasons (less exposure to the sun due to the weather, periods of intense work, etc.), you can try the radiance supplement.

How long should you wait between 2 courses of food supplements?
You can take the supplements continuously if the problem persists. Otherwise we suggest that you let your body rest for 1 month before starting a new treatment.

Why do dietary supplement courses most often last 21 days?
21-day cleanses are often habit-based because it takes 21 days for the body to adapt to a change.
Duration can also be based on the cell cycle. In the case of the vitality complex, a 3-month course is recommended due to the natural progression of the phases of the hair cycle and the need for nutrients to diffuse throughout the body and reach the hair follicles.

CLEAN COSMETIC - Urban shield cream

What are the benefits of this product?
Our urban shield cream protects your skin from the effects of pollution, but also from the light emitted by screens, called “blue light”, whose harmful effects accelerate the skin aging process and dull your complexion. This combination also allows your skin to maintain its firmness and density, which sun protection products tend to alter.

What is the composition of this product?
Our urban shield cream contains the active ingredient Infraguard which effectively neutralizes free radicals and protects the skin against oxidative stress induced by infrared rays. It also contains low molecular weight vegetable hyaluronic acid which guarantees the firmness and tone of your skin. As well as virgin jojoba oil which is closest to human sebum, which allows it to penetrate the skin quickly without leaving a greasy film to boost collagen production. Jojoba oil is also: regulator of the skin's pH, it balances sebum secretions, protective, it acts as a barrier for the skin and protects it from attacks; softening and softening, it nourishes dry and sensitive skin. Our cream also contains macadamia oil which is nourishing, restructuring and activates blood microcirculation.

Does it make your skin oily?
The urban shield cream penetrates quickly and smoothes the surface of the skin without leaving greasy residue.

How many times should you apply it per day ideally? Morning and evening ?
We suggest applying the urban shield cream in the morning after cleansing your skin and applying the energizing serum.

How long does a pot of cream last? Once opened?
Depending on the amount used, a jar of cream can last between 1 and 3 months. Once opened, a pot of cream must be used within 6 months.

Should we use it continuously?
We recommend that you use the urban shield cream every morning to protect your skin from the effects of pollution and blue light generated by screens.

Does this cream have a smell?
Yes, this cream has a cut grass fragrance with notes of green grapefruit. It is a 100% natural fragrance created in the south of France.

Where do the ingredients in this product come from?
Infraguard is a natural active ingredient produced in France. Hyaluronic acid also comes from France. Jojoba oil and macadamia oil are not produced in Europe. Jojoba oil is produced in South America and macadamia oil in Kenya and Australia.

What skin type is this cream recommended for?
This cream is recommended for all skin types.

Does your cream contain SPF protection?
Our cream does not contain SPF protection. We recommend using SPF 20 or 30 if you are going to expose your skin to the sun.

Can I use this cream if I have atopic skin?
We suggest testing the cream on the skin on the inside of your wrist using our samples to see how it will react.

CLEAN COSMETIC - Complexion radiance cream

What are the benefits of this product?
Our complexion radiance formula is a rich and creamy treatment that protects your skin against oxidation, amplifies its cellular regeneration, increases its oxygen supply and nourishes it daily with vitamins A, E, B and K, omega-6 and omega- 3.

What is the composition of this product?
Our complexion radiance cream contains white rose which revives, evens out and illuminates the complexion by reducing pigmentation defects. It also contains low molecular weight vegetable hyaluronic acid which guarantees the firmness and tone of your skin. Cold-pressed virgin organic flaxseed oil which is particularly rich in omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids playing an important role in cell renewal. Cold-pressed organic raspberry virgin oil that prevents premature aging and delays the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Organic mango butter, very rich in phytosterols, a powerful antioxidant that helps fight skin aging by stimulating collagen production. Virgin cold-pressed organic avocado oil which strengthens the epidermis by consolidating the hydrolipidic barrier, which improves hydration and radiance.

Does it make your skin oily?
The complexion radiance cream penetrates quickly and smoothes the surface of the skin without leaving greasy residue.

How many times should you apply it per day ideally? Morning and evening ?
We suggest applying the radiance cream in the morning after cleansing your skin and applying the energizing serum.

How long does a pot of cream last? Once opened?
Depending on the amount used, a jar of cream can last between 1 and 3 months. Once opened, a pot of cream must be used within 6 months.

Should we use it continuously?
We recommend that you use the complexion radiance cream every morning to protect your skin from the effects of oxidative stress and prevent premature aging.

Does this cream have a smell?
Yes, this cream has a cut grass fragrance with floral notes. It is a 100% natural fragrance created in the south of France.

Where do the ingredients in this product come from?
Hyaluronic acid, white rose and linseed oil come from France. Raspberry oil from Eastern Europe, mango butter from India and avocado oil from Kenya.

What skin type is this cream recommended for?
This cream is recommended for all skin types.

Does your cream contain SPF protection?
Our cream does not contain SPF protection. We recommend using SPF 20 or 30 if you are going to expose your skin to the sun.

Can I use this cream if I have atopic skin?
We suggest testing the cream on the skin on the inside of your wrist using our samples to see how it will react.

CLEAN COSMETIC - Energizing facial serum

What are the benefits of this product?
Our energizing serum is a fluid and light treatment, 100% natural, which acts on the pH of the skin in order to limit the production of sebum and regulate your blood microcirculation. It prevents shine and redness. It oxygenates and plumps your skin from the inside to strengthen and maintain its firmness and elasticity daily.

What is the composition of this product?
Our energizing serum contains rhodofiltrate palmaria microalgae, low molecular weight plant hyaluronic acid, virgin jojoba oil and virgin camelina oil.

Does it make skin oily?
Our energizing serum has a fluid and light texture that absorbs quickly and does not leave a greasy film on the skin.

How many times should you apply it per day ideally? Morning and evening ?

We suggest that you apply the energizing serum as soon as you wake up to prepare your skin to receive the complexion radiance cream or urban shield.

How long does a bottle of serum last? Once opened?
Depending on the amount used, a bottle of serum can last between 1 and 3 months. Once opened, the bottle must be used within 6 months.

Should we use it continuously?
We recommend using the energizing serum every morning to firm your skin before applying the moisturizer of your choice.

How long does it take to be effective? Are the results immediate?
You will feel a slight tightening effect upon application of the serum. In order to fully feel the benefits, we recommend daily application of the energizing serum.

Does this serum have a smell?
Yes, this serum has a cut grass fragrance with floral notes. It is a 100% natural fragrance created in the south of France.

Where do the ingredients in this product come from?
Rhodofiltart palmaria microalgae, hyaloronic acid and camelina oil all come from France. Jojoba oil comes from South America.

What skin type is this serum recommended for?
This serum is recommended for all skin types, but it is particularly suitable for dry and tired skin.

Can I use this serum if I have atopic skin?
We suggest testing the serum on the skin on the inside of your wrist using our samples to see how it will react.

CLEAN COSMETIC - Soothing facial oil

What are the benefits of this product?
Using our soothing oil every evening allows you to naturally accelerate the lipid-replenishing process of your skin. Indeed, it nourishes, soothes, repairs in depth and ensures the cellular regeneration of your skin.

What is the composition of this product?
Our soothing oil is a cocktail of 5 cold-pressed virgin oils: Kuiki, Blueberry, Pomegranate, Macadamia and Jojoba.

Does it make your skin oily?
Our soothing oil absorbs quickly and does not leave a greasy film on the skin.

How many times should you apply it per day ideally? Morning and evening ? We suggest applying the soothing oil after removing your makeup in the evening so that your skin is ready for its regenerating action. If you have particularly dry skin, you can also apply it in the morning before applying your day care.

How long does a bottle of oil last? Once opened?
Depending on the amount used, a bottle of oil can last between 1 and 3 months. Once opened, the bottle must be used within 6 months.

Should we use it continuously?
We recommend using the soothing oil every evening to make the most of its regenerating action while you sleep.

Does this oil have a smell?
Yes, this oil has a cut grass fragrance with floral notes. It is a 100% natural fragrance created in the south of France.

Where do the ingredients in this product come from?
Jojoba oil comes from South America, macadamia oil from Kenya or Australia, Kukui oil from the tropics, blueberry oil from all over the world and pomegranate oil from Israel or Turkey.

What skin type is this oil recommended for?
This oil is recommended for all skin types.

Can I use this oil if I have atopic skin?
We suggest testing the oil on the skin on the inside of your wrist using our samples to see how it will react.

What are the virtues of the ingredients in this oil?
It contains virgin jojoba oil which is closest to human sebum, which allows it to penetrate the skin quickly without leaving a greasy film to boost collagen production. Jojoba oil regulates the pH of the skin, it balances sebum secretions; protective, it acts as a barrier for the skin and protects it from attacks; softening and softening, it nourishes dry and sensitive skin. Our cream also contains macadamia oil which is nourishing, restructuring and activates blood microcirculation. Kukui oil has a deep lipid-replenishing effect, restoring elasticity to the epidermis. Upcycled virgin blueberry oil helps prevent cellular aging, protect damaged tissues and promote their regeneration. Virgin pomegranate oil has antioxidant, emollient and regenerative properties for the skin.

CLEAN COSMETIC - General questions

Is there gluten, soy or lactose in your products?
Our cosmetic formulas are all vegan. They therefore contain no soy, gluten or lactose.

Do you offer samples for testing?
Yes, for any purchase, we offer you a free sample of your choice from our cosmetic range.

Are there artificial colors or flavors in cosmetic products?
There are no artificial colors or flavors in our cosmetic range. The color you can see is given by the vegetable oils, first cold pressed, which are present in the products. The perfumes we use are 100% natural.

How should I store this product once opened?
We recommend that you store your cosmetic products in a cool, dry place so that they last better.

80% minimum of ingredients of organic origin, why not 100%?
Because water or perfume, although natural, do not come from organic farming.

What is an asset?
An active ingredient in cosmetics is an ingredient that is used in a product to give it virtues. This is the essential component of the product, because it is what will provide its effectiveness.

What do you mean by active cosmetics?
Active clean cosmetics are cosmetics which, beyond being natural, organic and eco-responsible, are effective. Harmlessness, pleasant textures and the “placebo” effect of self-belief are not enough. The active ingredients must be present in sufficient quantity to guarantee results. This is why all our products contain between 85 and 100% natural active ingredients.

Natural cosmetics, organic cosmetics, what's the difference?
A product is called “natural” if it contains ingredients from nature, they can be of vegetable origin such as plants, of mineral origin such as clay or of animal origin such as honey. However, there is no labeling around natural ingredients: you therefore have no information on the origin of the products, the manufacturing processes, etc. No percentage of natural ingredients is obligatory in natural cosmetics. A product can thus be called “natural” even though it only contains 20% natural ingredients and contains 80% ingredients from petrochemicals! In addition, the product may be natural, but have been grown with pesticides and GMOs. In organic cosmetics, a high percentage of products of natural and organic origin, natural ingredients must be the richest in cosmetic active ingredients:
At least: 95% natural ingredients or of natural origin
At least: 95% of plant ingredients are organic
At least: 10% of all ingredients are organic
DoC products guarantee that more than 80% of their ingredients are organic.

What is an organic cosmetic treatment?
An organic cosmetic treatment is a beauty product formulated with natural ingredients of organic origin.
By organic we mean raw materials from organic farming and therefore without chemical pesticides, synthetic fertilizers and genetically modified organisms.
A cosmetic treatment is considered organic if:
It contains natural and plant ingredients (plant extracts, essential oils, plant butters, etc.)
It does not contain so-called controversial ingredients, such as parabens, phthalates, sulfates, artificial colors or fragrances, and other harmful products.
It minimizes the impact on the environment, thanks to recyclable packaging, for example.
It holds certifications, such as ECOCERT and COSMOS, which guarantee that it meets organic and ecological standards.
It is not tested on animals.

Although the labels require 20% of certified organic ingredients to call a cosmetic product “organic”, and most brands on the market are satisfied with this, we believe that this is not enough, and we make it a point of honor that our products contain between 80 and 95% organic ingredients.

How do you know if a product is really organic?
The most effective way to know if a product is truly organic is to look for the certifications it has obtained.
Unfortunately, we at Days of Confidence believe that this is not enough.
Cosmetics need 20% organic ingredients to receive a label, and most brands are happy with this.
We therefore advise you to review the list of ingredients and check their origin.
At Days of Confidence, it is our daily fight to offer you truly organic cosmetics, containing between 80% and 90% ingredients from organic farming.

What is the advantage of organic in cosmetics?
Organic cosmetics offers several advantages for your health, and that of our environment: it offers the use of natural ingredients, the reduction of harmful chemicals, it promotes more environmentally friendly practices in terms of manufacturing and packaging, it offers consumer confidence through its certifications, it is closely linked to ethical values ​​such as fair trade, sustainability and transparency, and it is often recommended for people with sensitive skin because it is less prone to to the provocation of skin reactions and risks of allergies.

What is a responsible product?
A responsible product is designed, manufactured and distributed by minimizing its impact on the environment, ensuring ethical working methods, ensuring optimal ingredient quality, and encouraging recycling, sustainability and transparency.

This is exactly what motivated the founders of the Days of Confidence brand: to create a brand that is efficient, respectful of the environment, and totally transparent towards their customers.

Why choose natural cosmetics?
In addition to guaranteeing the use of natural ingredients, choosing natural cosmetics is a way of respecting the environment and respecting your skin thanks to gentler products, free of any chemicals harmful to your health.


Why is there plastic on your packaging when you claim to be a responsible brand? Is it recycled plastic?
The capsules of our food supplements and our creams as well as the bottle rings are made of Thermodur. Thermodur is an alloy of cellulose (wood), urea and methanol. Its carbon footprint is half that of classic PP.

Where do you produce your packaging?
All packaging is made in France.

Why glass and not recycled plastic?
It's heavy, not practical to transport and it breaks easily!
Glass can be recycled infinitely unlike plastic, which is why we made this choice.

What to do if my bottles are empty, can I recycle them? Are refills provided to limit waste?
We are working on eco-responsible refills for monthly subscriptions of food supplements.


I am pregnant or breastfeeding, can I take your products?
When taking food supplements, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, we recommend that you seek the advice of your doctor before consuming any food supplement. Our cosmetic range has not been developed specifically for pregnant women, because this type of product meets very specific specifications and tests. However, our cosmetic range is compatible with pregnancy and breastfeeding.

From what age can I use the products?
Food supplements have been developed for use by adults. Cosmetics can be used from adolescence.

I have difficulty swallowing the capsules, what should I do?
We suggest taking your capsules in the morning with a large glass of water.

Are they suitable for men?
Our food supplements are perfectly suitable for men. Our cosmetic range can be used by men due to its unisex fragrance.

Can we expose ourselves to the sun while taking the supplements?
There are no contraindications to exposure to the sun while taking food supplements.

What is the shelf life of the products?
The expiry dates are written on the box of your food supplements and cosmetics. Cosmetics, once opened, can be kept for 6 months. Food supplements, for their part, have a shelf life of 36 months once the bottle is opened.

Should products be stored in the refrigerator?
We recommend that you store your cosmetics and food supplements in a cool, dry place so that they last better. They do not need to be stored in the refrigerator.


We are currently present in several points of sale and online stores:

- Marbella Club Hotel (Marbella)

- Bailly Pharmacy (Paris)

- Beldon Beauty (Madrid)

- Smallable (online)

- Humanasa (online)

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